

  • 测量套管外的地层电阻率。
    Measuring the formation resistivity outside the casing.
  • 用于储层评价,识别生产井出水位置。
    Using for reservoir evaluation, identifying the water bearing of production well.
  • 探测套管后地层坍塌及局部非均质体。
    Detecting the formation collapse and local heterogeneous matters outside the casing.


  • 连续测量,测井速度300~600m/h。
    Continuous measurement, logging speed 300~600m/h.
  • 非接触式测量,不需要推靠器,不需要洗井。
    Non-contact measurement, no back-up arm, no need to wash the well before logging.
  • 信噪比高,有用信号的幅度比现有仪器高出几个数量级。
    High signal-to-noise ratio, useful signal amplitude is larger than the existing market available tools by several folds of magnitude.
  • 可测94条曲线,每条曲线与不同的径向深度相对应,获取的信息量大。
    Can provide up to 94 curves measurement, each curve corresponding to different radial depth, obtain large amount of information.


  • 长 度(Length): 3.2 m
  • 工作温度(Temperature): 350 ℉(175 ℃)
  • 工作压力(Pressure): 15000 psi(100 Mpa)
  • 适合的井径(O.D.): ≥124 mm
  • 电阻率范围(Measurement Range):1—500 Ω·m
  • 电 缆(Cable): 7芯(7-Conductor Cable)
  • 供电电压(Supply Voltage): AC 220 V
